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The inclined plane was added in for Function as one of my Specification points, and I have not changed anything about the function. If the emergency shelter that I designed were to be built, it would likely evade a tsunami. The second Specification point, Oxygen, had also been included in the model, but in my final design I had put 4 compressed air tanks, but in the model I only had two big compressed air tanks, which is sort of the same as 4 small ones.


 I disobeyed the third Specification point, Color, and the reason why is because there was no neon green high density Foam Board, so I made the model out of regular green Foam Board. The fourth Specification point, Materials/Tools, I disobeyed almost completely. I didn’t use aluminum foil as the walls and roof, I wasn’t allowed to use the coping saw, scissors and a screwdriver I didn’t need, and the only thing in the Specification point I did obey was the part about using a glue gun.


 My eighth Specification point, which is my last one, Safety, comes in the category of Function, and the model is pretty safe with the clever and efficient way of saving people’s lives from tsunamis. The rest of my Specification points are Clients, Cost and Food, and there is no way to link the Specification points to the model.

Design Specifications

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