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From my client, Sara, I received a reasonable amount of feedback, mostly including neatness. Sara said that I could have used sandpaper to smoothen the edges of the Foam Board, and that I also could have glued it nicer, because she saw that some parts of my model were a little bit unstable or tilting. She did say that the objects on the inside were nice, but she said that some pieces looked messy because they were either tilting or had too much glue on them.


 The reason why the objects on the inside were messy was because I had to rush, I was in a hurry the whole time, and while gluing small strands of glue got stuck to the tip of the glue gun so when I moved the glue gun around the strand of glue would get stuck various places, making it look like a spider has made its home in the model. My model would have been a lot nicer if I had more time to build it, and my client agrees with that too.


 She thinks that the model could have been more organized and that I would have had time to redo pieces that were too big or too small, such as the inclined plane. The toothpicks sticking out of the air conditioners looked ugly with the toothpicks sticking out, and my client said that I could have maybe snapped or cut the pieces of toothpick that were sticking out. My client suggested that I add cushions and a door, since those two things were in my Plan, but the due date was only one day away and I needed that time to ask for feedback from Mr. Thorburn and make the changes. All in all my client said that I worked very hard on my model which makes it look nice and well done, except for a few parts.


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